Hi folks,
Here are some ideas for the next week or so:
Christmas Eve activity at Carnegie Hall. Many reasons to look for something, and this concert features a wonder fun piece Mozart’s Clarinet concerto..
12/24 7:00 PM
Carnegie Hall
MidtownMozart’s Magic flute at the MET in a heavily abridged version is pretty good. Went a few days ago.
12/26 7:30 PM
Met Opera
UWSA selection of both Hanukkah and Christmas songs by a good cast of singers.
Undisclosed venue in midtown with drinks, snack and socializing after. Looks fun.12/28 7:00 PM
Somewhere in midtown (you get an email the day before)
MidtownAlso Sprach Zarathustra at the NYPhil. You know, the one that goes like: Tuuuuu, Tuuuu, Tuuuu, TuTAAAAAAA, boom-boom boom-boom etc.
01/02 7:30 PM
Wu Tsai Hall (FMA David Geffen Hall)
UWSConcert on Sunday morning?! Great lineup in a unique concert series that offers music, pastries, and coffee on Sunday at 10 AM in the morning. I know that there morning people out there that have been praying for something like this. Here we are!
01/05 10 AM (!)
Museum of Arts & Design
Happy holidays and a happy new year!